Welcome to the JChampions Conference CFP.
Please email jchampionsconf@gmail.com if there are questions.

All presenters are to observe the code of conduct as listed on the main website

The call for papers ends at 2021-12-10

The interface for submitters is available at: https://cfp.connectevents.io/en/jchampsconf2022/cfp/session/new

Log in with an existing account

You can sign in if you created an account for this Call for Papers, or for any previous event.

Sign up for a new account

If you are new to JChampions Conference 2022, please take the time to create an account. It is really easy and quick.

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Been here before, but don't remember your password? We know how it is, so please feel free to

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I have registered but not received my confirmation instructions

This could be one of the rare occassions where an email has actually not been delivered. If you have already waited for some time and checked your spam folders, please

Request the confirmation instructions again